Thirty Days of Thankfulness: Week 1

On Facebook, I am participating in Thirty Days of Thankfulness. Some are silly. Some are more emotional. But every morning I stop for a minute to think of one thing for which I am truly thankful. It’s an excellent exercise in gratitude. Seeing others’ posts has also taught me a little something about how lucky I am. So here are my “thanks” from Week 1.

Day 1: Today I am thankful for my family — who never fail to surround me with love in good times and bad.

Day 2: Today I am thankful that sweater-vests are back in style. Hooray for fall fashion.

Day 3: Today I am thankful for non-fat lattes and my wonderful husband willing to go out first thing in the morning to get one for me!

Day 4: Today I am thankful for turning the clocks back. One extra hour on this lazy Sunday morning is fine by me.

Day 5: Today I am thankful for my job. Even on a Monday, I look forward to starting a new week and know how blessed I am to be in a good place with good people, doing something I love.

Day6: Today I am thankful for democracy. Yes, our system of government is flawed, but it’s still the best system there is. And I’m truly thankful I live here, and not somewhere else. Vote, please.

Day7: As ever, my friends are deeply divided in their response to yesterday’s election; but, again, I am thankful for our right to share our opinions and our voices. I do hope at the end of the day I will be thankful for the end of campaigning.

Day 8: Today I am thankful audio books. Although I was very late to the audio book game, I am so grateful that I can still read with less time to do so. The Listening Library series of Harry Potter books has also allowed me to share a reading experience with all three of my sons, which is pretty cool.

11 thoughts on “Thirty Days of Thankfulness: Week 1

  1. What a great way to keep thankfulness in the forefront of our minds as the mad dash to the December holidays is underway! I always feel like Thanksgiving gets short shrift in the October – December holidays.

    I still haven’t given audiobooks a try yet. Do your kids like listening to Harry Potter? Do they read the book along with the recording?


    • I love Thanksgiving. We decorate and everything and I simply refuse to “go Christmas” until the turkey gets its due.
      My boys are LOVING the audio series. They get upset when we reach our desitnation and I have to turn the car off. My oldest already read the series, but still will pick up the one we’re listening to. My 10 year old decided to read all of them after a few months of listening, which I’m thrilled about.
      I highly recommend anything Jim Dale narrates. He’s terrific.


      • I just heard on the radio that Walmart is starting their Black Friday specials at 8 p.m. on Thursday. All I could think is… isn’t that still THANKSGIVING, for crying out loud? I really feel for their employees who are going to have to leave home and all the celebration to go to work.

        I’m going to have to try Harry Potter on audiobook. My whole family loves that series, but I’ll admit it’s been years since I first read them. I’ll let you know if my trio likes it as much as yours.


  2. Pingback: Thirty Days of Thankfulness: Week 2 « alenaslife

  3. Pingback: Thirty Days of Thankfulness: Week 3 (and a half) « alenaslife

  4. Pingback: Thirty Days of Thankfulness: The Final Week « alenaslife

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