W…W…W…Wednesday: Books read, reading and to read

I missed all of my fellow WWW-ers last week, but I decided I would not spend a day of my family vacation glued to WordPress. Instead, I was reading!!!! More books than I’ll even mention in this post, but reviews and wrap-up are rolling out on the blog this week.

Thanks to Miz B at Should Be Reading for inspiring so many of us to get involved in WWW Wednesdays. It’s always so great to see what everyone is reading.


I’d love to know what everyone is reading.  To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…(or post a link to your blog.)

• What are you currently reading? • What did you recently finish reading? • What do you think you’ll read next?


cover image from Goodreads

cover image from Goodreads

What are you currently reading?  Just starting a short story collection, Birds of a Lesser Paradise that has been on my shelf for a couple years. I needed something completely different in style to sort of clear my mind and this does the trick. Really strong writing and interesting characters, which are key to successful short stories. On audio, I’m back into The Dead in Their Vaulted Arches, the 6th installment in the Flavia de Luce mysteries. I just adore Flavia and I appreciate how Bradley is bringing together the previous stories and mysteries in this one (which I hope is not his last).



cover image from Goodreads

cover image from Goodreads

What did you recently finish reading? So many books! Most recently I read a classic (another of my personal 2014 goals). Their Eyes Were Watching God was a very difficult read for me for two reasons. 1) All of the dialog is in heavy dialect so I had to pick apart the language, especially in the first half. 2) I have a hard time not applying my modern values/standards to what I read — which is really unfair given the early 20th century, black community setting of this book. I sometimes wanted to shake the main character Janie, but ultimately, I’m really glad I read this book. It will stick with me.



cover image from Goodreads

cover image from Goodreads

What do you think you’ll read next?  I have a lot of reading goals for August, including two non-fiction books, Brain on Fire and A Curious Man, and another classic, 1984, but first up a fiction book recommended by a friend, Shotgun Lovesongs. I love a good small town drama.

Happy reading everyone!

How about you?

What are your W…W…W… titles? Please feel free to share a link to your own W…W…W…Wednesday posts or share your reading plans in the comments.


22 thoughts on “W…W…W…Wednesday: Books read, reading and to read

  1. I loved Their Eyes Were Watching God, although I didn’t have a choice but to read it… It was assigned for my “between the Wars” history course. I’m currently reading “Motherless Brooklyn” by Jonathan Lethem and have recently finished “The Auschwitz Escape” by Joel C. Rosenberg and I loved it! I want to read “The Painter” 🙂


  2. I’m doing double time on Ruth by Elizabeth Gaskell which is moving a little slowly. I think I was just getting somewhere when I was distracted by book mail. I only meant to sneak a couple of pages of The Table of #LessValuedKnights and now I’m 120 pages deep. Whoops. I recently finished The Storied Life of AJ Fikry (this Ruth business is taking a while) and next…I don’t know! There’s a pile of library books that need reading and I have 4 days and 2 long car rides to get it done!


  3. I felt the same way about TEWWG when I read it in high school. However, I had a great teacher who really helped us to see the subtle manifestations of feminism throughout the novel, which I appreciated.

    I just finished All the Light We Cannot See–it was fantastic! Such beautiful prose, my goodness. Anthony Doerr is a fabulous writer and I would really like to read The Shell Collector at some point. I also just finished California by Edan Lepucki…it was AWFUL. Absolutely terrible. I’m so upset that I wasted my time reading it!!


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