Happy Bloggiversary to Me!

It’s a good thing WordPress reminded me about my anniversary last week, or surely this momentous occasion would have gone unnoticed. I find it somewhat unfortunate my anniversary fell during a week in which I didn’t post a single thing, but oh well. I was quite busy living and working and cheering on my boys and rooting for the Blackhawks, and, of course, reading. That’s basically my life.

But now that I’m aware that alenaslife is one, I thought I’d better mark the occasion with a post.


First and foremost, I have a place to reflect – primarily on what I read, but also on motherhood, family, friends and the changes I’ve experienced over the past year. In sharing myself in these posts, I can process my thoughts and feelings. I also have a sort of “diary” on which to look back and see where I’ve been.
I relied on these writings and the feedback and discussions they elicited especially when I began my new career and after my father’s death. I will be forever grateful that I had this place to share those life-changing events.


New friends

My husband teases me for my liberal use of the word “friend,” but I truly feel that I have made friends in the world of blogging. I may have never met you in real life, but I follow your highs and lows, share jokes, depend on your guidance and miss you when I haven’t heard from you in a while. Aren’t those definitions of friendship?
If it weren’t for alenaslife, I wouldn’t know the marvelous book love of Cassie and Claire and Leah  and Didi. I wouldn’t laugh and cry with my fellow moms Joan and Tammy who inspire me to live life to its fullest.

There are countless others who have stopped by to comment or like or follow or share a post. (Actually, WordPress can count them, but I’m trying not to be number obsessed). Those small interactions brighten my day and motivate me to keep at it.


Book Love

Yes, I am a book addict.

Image my joy to find so many others who devour, discuss and demand books to the same degree. I not only have a great record of what I was reading this past year, I have feedback and suggestions about what to read next. The bloggers I follow have introduced me to new titles and authors. I have stretched the boundaries of my comfort zone and felt the love for a well-crafted review.

It’s simply marvelous to find so many enablers for my addiction. Thank you.



I teach my sons not to look for validation in others, but let’s face it, it’s really great to hear that someone thinks you’ve done a good job. I get that often via alenaslife. In big and little ways, I am reassured that I can write, that my opinions are heard by others, that “you like me.” It shouldn’t matter, but it does.


Happy anniversary to me.

25 thoughts on “Happy Bloggiversary to Me!

  1. Congrats on your blogoversary! One year is such an exciting milestone. I’ve really enjoyed reading your posts over the last however-many months, and I’m so glad I’ve gotten to know you a bit. (Thanks for the mention!)


  2. Happy blogiversary! I’m new to your blog- found you through the Bound Together group- and enjoy your book reviews and other posts.


  3. I just had a blog anniversary too, although when I first set it up I didn’t really know what I was doing, and only posted a few times in the first six months – it was while spending 2 weeks in hospital with my daughter after her diagnosis with diabetes, that it came to me, I could share my love of books, because basically I wanted a place to write, but separate from the stories and fiction and other things I play around with, it was so obvious because like you Alena, I love books and have done so all my life – the blog is like being giving permission to do what we love – we just never thought to ask anyone – and then look what is out there waiting for us, all these wonderful like-minded souls, the icing on the cake 🙂

    I feel privileged to have either found or been found by every blogger I follow or who follows me, it is such a gift and a delight and still seems like a small miracle to me, because even if we physically travelled the world, what are the chances of us finding each other and yet somehow, WordPress allows us to do that, without even leaving home. Friend is the only word we have to describe it, because the word hasn’t been invented yet to describe the kind of relationships we have all developed.

    So well done Alena and thank you for sharing yourself, your family, your love of books, your ‘big change’ experiences and everything in between. It’s always a pleasure to read your words and to see your face in the little icon pop up on the screen and to get great book recommendations!

    Bonne Continuation! (one of my favourite French expressions!)


    • I love that idea that we gave ourselves permission to be ourselves. I am ever grateful to you for inspiring me to write better, read better and share more clearly. Keep it up. Thank you for all these kind thoughts.


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